BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Systementwicklung},
    title = {Maturity Model for Reference Modeling},
    journal = {Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Information Systems Post-implementation and Change Management 2012 (IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2012)},
    keywords = {reference modeling, model evolution, maturity model, design rationale},
    pages = {10--17},
    publisher = {IADIS Press},
    isbn = {978-972-8939-73-1},
    year = {2012},
    peerreview = {Ja},
    openaccess = {Nein},
    institution = {IADIS},
    author = {Esswein, Werner and Lehrmann, Sina},
    editor = {Nunes, Miguel Baptista and Peng, Guo Chao (Alex) and Roth, Jörg and Weghorn, Hans and Isaias, Pedro}