BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Professur für Limnologie (Gewässerökologie)},
    title = {Advantages of concurrent use of multiple software frameworks in water quality modelling using a database approach},
    journal = {Fundamental and Applied Limnology},
    keywords = {ACSL, community-based modelling, database approach to modelling, DATM, DELWAQ, differential equations, DUFLOW, GRIND, model analysis, model implementation, modelling framework, OSIRIS, PCditch; PCLake, R},
    pages = {5--20},
    year = {2015},
    peerreview = {Ja},
    openaccess = {Ja},
    volume = {186},
    doi = {doi:10.1127/fal/2015/0631},
    author = {vanGerven, L. P. A. and Brederveld, R. J. and Klein, J. J. M. de and DeAngelis, D. L. and Downing, A. S. and Faber, M. and Gerla, D. J. and tHoen, J. and Janse, J. H. and Janssen, A. B. G. and Jeuken, M. and Kooi, B. W. and Kuiper, J. J. and Lischke, B. and Liu, S. and Petzoldt, T. and Schep, S. A. and Teurlincx, S. and Thiange, C. and Trolle, D. and Nes, E. H. van and Mooij, W. M.}