BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Professur für Fernerkundung},
    title = {A miscellany of Roman topography of Western Pannonia in support of the assessment of the history of Central European Landscapes},
    journal = {Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe - a compilation of results of the EU Central Europe TransEcoNet Project},
    keywords = {landscape history, Roman topography, itineraries, historical cartography},
    pages = {86--110},
    publisher = {Rhombos Publishers},
    location = {Berlin},
    isbn = {9783941216860},
    year = {2018},
    peerreview = {Nein},
    openaccess = {Nein},
    edition = {Neuerscheinung},
    author = {Csaplovics, Elmar},
    editor = {Csaplovics, Elmar and Hahn, Anke and Marrs, Christopher and Schöps, Stephan}