BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Arbeitsgruppe Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik},
    title = {Modulation of silica layer properties by varying the granulometric state of tetraethyl orthosilicate precursor aerosols during combustion chemical vapour deposition (CCVD)},
    journal = {Aerosol Sci. Technol.},
    keywords = {Aerosol, atomisation, silica, layer formation},
    pages = {1124--1134},
    publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
    issn = {0278-6826},
    year = {2020},
    peerreview = {Ja},
    openaccess = {Nein},
    volume = {54},
    number = {10},
    doi = {doi:10.1080/02786826.2020.1762845},
    edition = {keiner},
    author = {Kretzschmar, Björn Sten Mark and Bergelt, Paul and Göhler, Daniel and Firmbach, Fabian and Köcher, Ronny and Heft, Andreas and Stintz, Michael and Grünler, Bernd}