BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Professur für Wasserbau},
    title = {Urban flood risk analysis based on digital city models - the FloRiCiMo approach},
    journal = {Abstract book of the 6th IAHR Europe Congress},
    keywords = {Hochwasser, Risikomanagement, Hydronumerik, digitaler Zwilling},
    pages = {713--714},
    publisher = {Selbstverlag der Technischen Universität Dresden},
    location = {Warschau (Polen)},
    isbn = {978-83-66847-01-9},
    year = {2020},
    peerreview = {Ja},
    openaccess = {Ja},
    institution = {International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR)},
    edition = {keiner},
    author = {Heyer, Torsten and Zimmermann, Rocco and Hammoudi, Hellen and Backhaus, Lars and Stamm, Jürgen and Schilling, Arne and Trometer, Stefan}