BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Professur für Biomaterialien},
    title = {Increased pore size of scaffolds improves coating efficiency with sulfated hyaluronan and mineralization capacity of osteoblasts},
    journal = {Biomaterials Research},
    keywords = {s},
    pages = {494--506},
    issn = {2055-7124},
    year = {2019},
    peerreview = {Ja},
    openaccess = {Nein},
    volume = {23},
    number = {1},
    doi = {},
    author = {Krieghoff, Jan and Picke, Ann-Kristin and Salbach-Hirsch, Juliane and Rother, Sandra and Heinemann, Christiane and Bernhardt, Ricardo and Kascholke, Christian and Möller, Stephanie and Rauner, Martina and Schnabelrauch, Matthias and Hintze, Vera and Scharnweber, Dieter and Schulz-Siegmund, Michaela and Hacker, Michael C. and Hofbauer, Lorenz C. and Hofbauer, Christine}