BibTex - Publikationen
    affiliation = {Professur für Fernerkundung},
    title = { Assessing, monitoring and mapping forest resources in the Blue Nile region of Sudan using an object-based image analysis approach},
    abstract = {Assessing, monitoring and mapping forest resources in the Blue Nile region of Sudan using an object-based imageanalysis approach},
    keywords = {Blue Nile region, environmental change, degradation, Acacia nilotica, remote sensing, monitoring},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {226},
    location = {Berlin},
    publisher = {Rhombos Publishers},
    series = {Remote Sensing and Applied Geoinformation Analysis},
    number = {14},
    isbn = {9783937231716},
    edition = {Neuerscheinung},
    editor = {Array}